Norwich Triathlon 4th July

An early start as Grayhame had volunteered to help and was given the job of being in transition which opened at 6.00 a.m. This meant leaving home at 5 ish.  The weather at least was kind and the sun was duly shining.  No more freezing cold bike sections.  The Olympic distance was off first at 8.00 a.m, with Nicky Brinkman, James Heath and Lee Sole taking part. 
This was Lee's first Olympic distance tri.  The swim was in a nice clear lake (1500m), bike round the villages near the lake (40k) and run was off road, through woods, up and down steps and round the lake twice.  This longer than the usual 10k and probably more like 12k - tough in the heat.  James Heath won his age group in a time of 2.25.33 (23rd overall), Lee finished in a time of 2.31.17 finding the run really tough.  Told me afterwards he mistakingly thought the run in Norfolk would be flat!  He was 47th overall out of a total field of 268.  Unfortunately Nicky had a crash on the bike and ended up with a visit to casualty.  I don't have any up to date details but did see her later that day and she wa s visibly shaken but ok.  Speedy recovery, hopefully, Nicky.
The sprint was off at 10.00 so quite a bit of hanging around.  Luckily the weather stayed fine and it was interesting to watch the early swim sections.  My race was half the distance of the Olympic.  I had a good swim and my newly acquired wetsuit came off easily this time.  Smooth transition and out on the bike cycling into the wind.  Left turn up a hill and heading back rather faster with the wind behind.  Felt I had a good bike and overtook quite a lot of people who seem to be trying to grind out the big gears.  Back into transition having dodged a few Sunday motorists in Trowse and back into transition.  The run was tough but went better than expected and I was grateful for the shade of the woods for the first section, even though it was up and down hills and steps.  Back round the lake to the finish, being loudly cheered on by Mary and David Leaver who had come along to watch and support.  I finished in a time of 1.29.04 winning my age group and being 11th lady out of 40 and 39th out of 90 overall.  A pleasing days racing and really glad I wasn't doing the longer race.  Not bad for an OAP!!  Happy racing  Anne Fish.

Last Updated (Thursday, 22 July 2010 16:21)