WSW Dinner & Presentation 2009
Saturday evening was this year's Dinner and Presentation held at the Bury St Edmunds Golf Club. With over 60 members attending it promised to be a fun filled evening and as you can see from the photographs they do own clothing other than lycra! A full list of prize winners will be available shortly and a big thank you to all those that organised a memorable evening. What was Geoff doing with the £5 note on his forehead?
For details of the prize winners click Read more!
West Suffolk Wheelers Annual Prize Presentation
The West Suffolk Wheelers Annual Prize Presentation took place on December 5 2009 at the Bury St Edmunds Golf Club and trophies were won by the following members:
Evening Time Trial Trophy | Paul Rooke |
10 mile Handicap Shield | Julian Colman / Will Curtin |
Fred Filby Cup (Boxing Day event) | Julian Colman |
Grinsted Chalice for effort | Will Curtin |
Roller Racing Champion | Ian Pettitt |
Silver Spoon best juvenile at Go Ride | Lewis Freeman |
60th Anniversary Trophy for endeavour | Deane Hill / David Irvine |
Half Wheel Trophy | Deane Hill |
Hill Climb Champion | Stephen Hill |
Ensign Club Run Trophy | Stephen Hill |
Edmund Mothersole Trophy for services to the club | Paul Callow |
Golden Spike | Nathan Colman |
Youth Track Champion | Ed Ballam |
Schoolgirl Champion | Esther Colman |
12 hour TT Champion | Tony Panting |
Veterans Champion | Tony Panting |
St Edmunds BAR (25/50/100 mile time trials) | Tony Panting |
100 mile TT Champion | Tony Panting |
Schoolboy Champion | Alan Trolove |
Welwyn Juvenile Track Trophy | Alan Trolove |
Richard Pike CycloCross Trophy | Alan Trolove |
Glasswell Road Race Cup | Alan Trolove |
Fordham Grass Track Trophy | Alan Trolove |
Ladies TT Champion | Trish Dennison |
Quantrill Trophy fastest lady at 10 miles | Trish Dennison |
Millennium Trophy best lady in evening TT series | Trish Dennison |
Novices Trophy first year competitor | Trish Dennison |
Collard Shield, most improved TT results | Trish Dennison |
Fred Adams BAR (10/25/50 mile time trials) | Peter Balls |
Henley Cup 50 mile TT | Peter Balls |
Scott Cup 25 mile TT | Peter Balls |
Senior Track Champion | Peter Balls |
Bill Williams Cup best WSW in Open 21 TT | Peter Balls |
The following riders also received Standard Medals for timed performances in their age groups:
Gold: Mark Eastwood, Tom Southorn, Ed Ballam, Esther Colman, Tony Panting, Alan Trolove, Trish Dennison, Peter Balls, Connie Tapper.
Silver: Anne Fish, James Cunningham, Tom Southorn, James Carpenter, Nathan Colman, Alan Trolove, Trish Dennison.
Bronze: Adrian Grimwood, Anne Fish, James Cunningham, John Steed, James Carpenter, Polly Hill.
New Club Records were broken by Peter Balls; 10 miles 19mins 25 seconds, 25 miles 50m 24s, 50 miles 1 hour 43m 37s.
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Last Updated (Saturday, 19 December 2009 07:39)